Axis pay upi send money offer

Axis pay Bhim upi new offer earn upto Rs 750 cashback per month.

Offer valid for all bank user.

First Downloed the axis pay Bhim upi app from play store and link it with your bank account.

1st offer:-

Jst send Rs 100 or more 20 time (20 different) 
Axis pay bhim user.

   Per uniqe transection you will get Rs 25.👌

   So if you do 20 transection you will get maximum (25×20) Rs 500 cashback.

2nd Offer:-

Jst send Rs 10 or  more 101 time (no need to transfer different user) you will get Rs 250 cashback.
   If Number of transcations in a calendar month more than 25 but less than 50; then you will received Rs 100 cashbackm

  If Number of transactions in a calendar month greater than 50 but less than 100; then you will received Rs 200 cashback.☺
  If Number of transactions in a calendar month greater than 100; then you will received Rs 250 cashback.
Minimum transaction value is Rs 10 per transaction.

   IF you complete both 1st & 2nd offer then you will earn up to Rs 750 in a month.

BHIM Axis Pay UPI App is one of the BHIM UPI Apps
Cashback shall be calculated and processed per calendar month and shall be paid to the customer by 10th of every month for the previous month.

Offer valid till 31th march 2019.

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