Mobikwik send money & earn 250 cashback offer

Mobikwik send money offer.

Jst send Rs 50 or more 10 times to any mobikwik user and you will get Rs 50 cashback after 10th number or sussesful transection.

one user can earn maximum Rs 250 cashback.

user will earn cashback on his/her 10th ,20th,30th, 40th, & 50th transfer.

user need to do complete their kyc to received the cashback.(If some one not done his/her kyc then he is not eligable for cashback)

offer valid from 20th september 2k18.

Offer not valid for payment bank user.☺
payment bank like (paytm payment bank, Aditya payment bank, airtel payment bank, jio payment bank, fino payment bank & all other payment bank)

Mobikwik add money offer:-

jst add rs 100 via mobikwik upi for 1st time and you will get Rs 50 cashback for add money.

offer valid for 1st time add money user

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